Poefele The Great

Poefele Ashlock is a unique basketball player. Actually, he is a unique athlete. He has basketball skills but needs to improve his jump shot and free throw shooting. He posess something more important. He possess a winning gene that most don’t have. He wins at all levels that he plays on. Our 15U basketball struggled before he arrived. He with a few other additions have changed the way all of our players in the program see themselves, raising their confidence mostly because of Ashlock.  Some kids have a natural feel for basketball. Others have a feel for every sport they play. A very small portion of those are winners. Poefele is all of the above. He charismatic with a heart of gold. He attacks the basket as good as anyone in his class. He finishes just as well. Ashlock is an uncanny defender that always in the passing lanes. Scoring the basketball comes with ease for him. He’s one of the leading scorers in the program. As he improves as a shooter, he will become almost impossible to stop on the basketball court.  Ashlock is at Boswell High School (Fort Worth, TX) where he will be a star on the football field, basketball court and the track.   

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